Sail Trim

This booklet is a natural progression when learning to sail. The wind is to continuously moving and you must learn how to make the right adjustments to inprove your to skills. Have you wondered how to use all those parts of the sail and lines to increase boat speed. Often people just learn by trial and errow to find ways to increase boat speed. 

So if you would like to have a little bit of cheat sheet to give you suggestions for the various sails on all points-of-sail and in all wind conditions. Learn what to do with things like:

  • Bend or Raking the Mast
  • Boom Vang
  • Centerboard
  • Cunningham/Downhaul
  • Fairlead
  • Halyards
  • Heel (percentage)
  • Leech line
  • Outhaul
  • Sheets
  • Slot
  • Tell Tails
  • Traveler
  • Twist

Advanced Nav Formulas

The natural progression to learning to sail is to continuously practice and improve skills. There is nothing more important than navigation. Too often people are taking the easy way out by relying on the instruments that can fail you at the most inopportune time. Every good sailor/boater should know how to do good ol’ paper chart navigation and practice, practice, practice. Practice in a variety of conditions and circumstances. 

The ASA Advanced Coastal Cruising Class (106) should be done in conjunction with the Advanced Navigation Class (105). Makes sense. I won’t kid you, this navigation exam is harder than the USCG Captains License navigation exam. If you take the class from someone who gives you the real life experience like one of my favorite Captains and school owner of R&R Charters out of Annapolis. Captain Dave Renoll. You will spend 7 days (& nights) doing a circumnavigation around the Del-Mar-Va Pinnesula. (DE, MD, VA) You will put to practice the navigation skills as you learn how to safely cruise down the coast. 

This little booklet enhances your training, practice and exam taking when you remember the correct steps to solve for each type of navigation problem. You will know how to do the following navigational problems:

  • Dead Reckoning
  • Estimated Position
  • 2 or 2 Point Fixes
  • Danger Bearing
  • Running Fixes
  • Set & Drift both known and unknown
  • Relative Bearings

About the SWW

The Sailing Wind Wheel is the only visual and interactive teaching tool for sailing.

It is constructed out of durable plastic with a boat on a clear disc that allows the boat to rotate 360° 

The sails rotate independently to create an understanding as to how the sails need to be adjusted and move on the various Points-of-Sail. It makes visualizing maneuvers like Tacking & Jibing, Heading up and Heading down, ease the sheets vs. sheet in very clear. 

The wind fellows show the wind direction and red arrow shows through the boat, simulating the windvane at the top the mast. It is a constant reminder of where the wind is coming from in relationship to the boat.

The two red tabs from the windex are shown on the boat so students know how to keep out of the No Sail Zone. The No Sail Zone is clearly indicated on front and back.

Waves show the relationship of the boats angle for each point of sail.

The Points-of-Sail are show in degree of angle as well as relationship to a clock. 

Port and Starboard Tacks are made clear with the red and green on the sides of the boat. 

On the back the Points-of-Sail are broken down like slices of pie to give a simplified way to understand the relationship of the boat to the wind. 

The words of the wind, sailing commands and basic proper sail trim are clearly explained on the back. Including additional visuals of the sail shape for each point of sail.

Each Point-of-Sail is bolded on the degree of angle, so there is a clear understanding of each the Points-of-Sail in reference to the wind. The front has been left simple so students can practice. 

Anyone trying to learn sailing will gain a better understanding the relationship of the boat to the wind and waves. 

The book that accompanies the Sailing Wind Wheel give additional visuals and explanations so that you can teach yourself.

We also include a few bonus in the book like, further explanation of the sail trim, rules of the road, practice with it and even quizzes to test your knowledge.

It is made of durable plastic which will remain intact aboard the boat even if it gets wet. And is 8 1/2 x 11 so it fits into a notebook very easily

Whether it’s teaching yourself or teaching a friend, no sailor should be without the Sailing Wind Wheel.

  • The Sailing Wind Wheel is constructed with a boat on a clear disc that allows the boat to rotate 360° (see the Sailing Wind Wheel in “Action”)
  • The sails rotate independently to create an understanding as to how the sails need to be adjusted and move on various Points-of-Sail. It makes visualizing maneuvers like Tacking & Jibing, Heading up and Heading down abundantly clear.
  • The wind fellows show the wind direction and red arrow shows through the boat, simulating the windvane at the top the mast. It is a constant reminder of where the wind is coming from in relationship to the boat.
  • The two red tabs from the windex are shown on the boat so students know how to keep out of the ‘No Sail Zone’. The ‘No Sail Zone’ is clearly indicated on front and back.
  • Waves show the relationship of the boats angle for each point of sail.
  • The Points-of-Sail are show in degree of angle as well as relationship to a clock.
  • Port and Starboard Tacks are made clear with the red and green on the sides of the boat.
  • On the back, the Points-of-Sail are broken down like slices of pie to give a simplified way to understand the relationship of the boat to the wind.
  • The words of the wind, sailing commands, and basic proper sail trim are clearly explained on the back. Including additional visuals of the sail shape for each point of sail. Each Point-of-Sail is in bold on the degree of angle, so there is a clear understanding of each the Points-of-Sail in reference to the wind. The front has been left blank, so students can practice.
  • Anyone trying to learn sailing will gain a better understanding the relationship of the boat to the wind and waves.
  • The 2×2 Micro Method manual that accompanies the Sailing Wind Wheel give additional visuals and explanations so that you can teach yourself.
  • We also include a few bonus in the book like, further explanation of the sail trim, rules of the road, practice with it and even quizzes to test your knowledge.
  • It is made of durable plastic so it is waterproof
  • A handy 8.5 x 11 fits into any notebook or easily in your navigation table. 
  • Whether it’s teaching yourself, a friend, or a child no sailor should be without the Sailing Wind Wheel™.

Who needs the SWW

Who Needs the Sailing Wind Wheel

You need the Sailing Wind Wheel if you. . .

Have difficulty understanding the wind
Want to learn to sail quickly and easily
Know someone who is learning to sail
Want to improve your sailing skills
Are crew and want to improve sail time skills
Are a male trying to teach a female
Are thinking about taking a classin or 
Are the process of taking a sailing class
A graduate of a sailing class and want to keep your new skills sharp
Don’t want to forget your skills over the winter
Taking newbees to sailing on your boat
LIke to have all the latest sailing books and gadgets
A professional sail instructor and want an easy way to teach everyone
Your sailing partner has never been able to help you understand the wind or you have never been able to help your partner “see” the wind
Want to teach children
Your Yacht Club or Sail Club has a sailing program for Adults or Children

2×2 Micro Method

What is the 2×2 MICRO-METHOD?

The 2×2 micro method takes all the components of sailing and simplifies it down to the microscopic level and then builds it back up one component at a time. When most people pick up a sailing book it is chalked full of information. If fact, so much information that people can become overwhelmed.

The basics of understanding sailing requires understanding there is only 2 of everything. Two sides of the boat, two sails, two sail shapes etc.

It’s too easy to get lost in all the complicated “stuff” about sailing. Keep with the philosophy of “KISS” Keep It Simple Sweetheart. It’s not stupid because nobody is stupid when they are learning something new.

The Sailing Wind Wheel was designed to help people better visualize the wind which is “invisible.” You can easily see how the boat turns through the wind etc. but that is not the end of the story.

Too often the challenge people have with learning is because the basic language is not explained first, which makes learning everything else just gibberish.

The Sailing Wind Wheel manual is designed to guide students step by step through each component showing the two sides to each. It is so simplified that anyone can see the simplicity of it. A worksheet is included to write out each of the components in the 2×2 format.

By starting with the manual, before diving into using the Sailing Wind Wheel you will have that basic foundation built and then you start practicing your turns using the correct “conversation” before you do it on the water.

The words of the wind, sailing commands and basic proper sail trim are clearly explained on the back. Including additional visuals of the sail shape for each point of sail.

Trying to side step the learning process is where most people get lost. 

The 2×2 Micro-Method will help you build your foundation first, then the Sailing Wind Wheel will help you put it all into practice.

Whether you are teaching yourself or teaching a friend, no sailor should be without the Sailing Wind Wheel. Many people already have it aboard their boat and use it to demonstrate the process to new guests who have never sailed

2 on a Boat

About the Book. . .

95% plus are couples sailing together on a boat. You must rely on each others skills and abilities first for fun, but more important for safety. This book was written in response to all those couples who have been challenged with finding a way to work together as partners on the boat.

Just like there are differences between mono-hulls and multi-hulls so there are differences between men and women. You would not say that one is better than the other but just different.

This book is for the women who has had one too many teary moments of either not understanding the process, terms or what is the right thing to do to being terrified of what they don’t understand or how to respond correctly. And worse of all having their fears dismissed, which prevents her heart from fully enjoying what is possible. For women who don’t want to be yelled at and who feel they know they could understand what is going on if only someone would explain it right!

For men when you will begin to understand how your women learns, processes and communicates differently., you will have a better understanding of how to help her not only learn so she can help, but help her to love sailing as much as you do. And guys, if you want your wife/girlfriends to develop a passion for the sea as you have, then you need to understand that women can get there, but they just need to come from a different approach.

In the Book

Captain Josie discusses how couples can better work together by understanding the gender differences. Men and women learn, process and communicate differently. Not good, not bad, just different.

What are the top 20 issues that hold some women back from becoming confident sailors?

In this book you will learn 14 gender differences that make a difference including:

1) How we differ in our goals and needs, 

2) Verbal and non-verbal communication, 

3) The difference in linear learning and visual learning, 

4) The hierarchy vs. team approach, 

5) Overall and end results, 

6) Handling crisis

We will also discuss those ever important issues:

  • To yell or not to yell? Is there a time to yell? When is yelling appropriate? 
  • How to avoid the pitfalls of miscommunication, fire drills and being a spectacle when docking and anchoring. 
  • What things are most important to men vs. women and how to help or hurt your sailing mate? 
  • Simple things guys can do to help his mate more interested and willing to go the distance and achieve the dream, and ways to sabotage the whole plan.

About Captain Josie has been teaching women and couples since the turn of the century (LOL). Her years of insight and sometimes challenging encounters has helped her to see first had the patterns between women and men. Her new book is the culmination of her research on gender issues, teaching tools and seminar materials and advise for women and couples based on personal stories and those of her students.

Captain Josie purchased her 28 O’day in 1998 and single handed it in the Bahamas in the winter of 2000. She has since accomplished both an Atlantic and Pacific ocean passages in 2001 & 2002.


Don’t get your knickers in a twist about “gender differences”. I don’t cater to woke and being “politically correct.” Please go to another website if you are offended. There are both male and female differences. Even as a woman, I have some masculine tendencies and recognizing those differences can make the difference in your learning and experiences.

You Need a Strong Foundation


You will never learn to sail if you don’t understand the wind. Without a solid foundation a house will not stand firmly in the storms. When you learn to sail by building that solid foundation first, then everything in sailing becomes a breeze… 

The key to learning to sail is in understanding the wind, because you cannot see that which is invisible, but you can learn to recognize it through your other senses. Learning the wind is the primary and basic fundamental of sailing and it cannot be over looked when learning to sail. Without a solid grasp of the wind, nothing makes sense and everything else is difficult. How do you know which way to turn?

When you get the wind… everything else in sailing becomes EASY! The Sailing Wind Wheel is the only visual and interactive teaching tool that you can carry right to the cockpit of a boat to use while taking sailing lessons. You will ensure success when you learn the basics via the Sailing Wind Wheel and the 2×2 Micro Method before you step onto a boat.

Now, learning your Points-of-Sail and understanding how to find the invisible wind and which way to turn in the wind is easier than ever before. This the only patented, interactive and 3 dimensional teaching method where you can see the boat and sails interact with the wind. This combined with the2×2 Micro Method manual even those who “just do what they are told” can finally understand the wind!

Only with the Sailing Wind Wheel, can you actually SEE the invisible wind. It’s the only interactive teaching tool that makes learning to sail a breeze. . . 

Who needs the Sailing Wind Wheel?

About the  Sailing Wind Wheel

The companion 2×2 Micro Method Manual makes learning to sail a breeze. Why do we make learning to sail so difficult? There are only two options to everything on a boat! Two sides, two sails, two directions to turn etc. Use the Sailing Wind Wheel & 2×2 Micro Method to enhance your learning experience.